Monday, April 11th, 2022
Why, hello ! Apologies for the hiatus but the Working Group (WG) Weekly Updates are back—this time with a vow to never again deprive you of the sweet nectar of synthesis.
Today’s post will distill the work our DAO did from April 4th to April 11th. Within this post you’ll find what’s been happening lately in and around our many calendar calls. If you feel like you’re missing out, join us in real time during any of our many syncs or check out our YouTube channel archive for hundreds of recorded calls.
- We’re almost at the end of Sprint 32 (Apr 1 - 14): as always, here’s a link to our Sprint Board.
Currently we have 4 open (funding) votes on our Gardens:
- cadCAD Community Funding (requesting 54,000 WXDAI).
- Dogfooding the Proposal Inverter-Meta Proposal (requesting 30,000 WXDAI).
- Comms T.E.A.M. DAO - Marketing Team (requesting 24,820 WXDAI).
- Retroactive Funding for TEC at ETH Denver 2022 (requesting 965.16 WXDAI).
- Last week, during our Sprint Retrospective call, the Stewards agreed on taking 2 actions to improve our Commons:
- To gather a group of in-house token engineers that can provide consulting for projects that come to our Commons looking for TE support; and to have them ask for their fee in TEC tokens.
- To plan on higher outreach for the educational events that TE Academy organizes.
- Our Stewards Council was also noteworthy: in it we dived deep into our Commons’ financial audit: here are the notes that resulted from such meeting.
What’s on the Stewards’ mind this week?
- TEC token utility, Proposal Inverter, CV parameters (i.e. how quickly proposals get passed through our Gardens), schedule changes, and the soon-to-be-formed Financial Task-Force.
Forum Highlights:
- Remember that this coming Tuesday we’ll have our Stewards Weekly call at 19:00 CEST.
- And this coming Thursday we’ll have our Sprint Retrospective sync at 18:00 CEST.
- For general context, here’s the manifesto for the Community Stewards WG.
- Our most important announcement: the 3rd Graviton Training will be starting on April 26th!
- We’ll upload the study plan to our forum shortly before our training starts.
- As a reminder, every Tuesday Leen and Jeremy host a practice session about Deep Democracy and Liberating Structures, respectively. These practice sessions will continue to be held weekly for the foreseeable future. If you missed the last session—which was about inclusive decisions—here’s its recording.
- As you may already know, our weekly book club is currently reading Margaret Wheatley’s Who Do We Choose To Be? Last week, we went over Chapter 4, which is about Self-Organization. We meet every Thursday at 3 PM EST / 9 PM CEST. Here’s the calendar event link to our next meeting.
- Lastly, every Friday, at 17:00 CEST, we have a Psychology and Mental Health Research sync: you’re welcome to join!
Forum Highlights:
- We recently released a Medium article titled Gravity: Conflict Management and Trust Creation in Web 3.
Soft Gov
- Last week, we went over some of the ideas discussed in the book Think Like a Commoner by David Boiler:
- Boiler defines a commons as: resources + a community + the social protocols that govern it.
- The term tragedy of the commons is based on the misreading of a commons. The creator of the term consents to this and claims it ought to have titled it tragedy of an uncoordinated commons.
- The history of enclosures was discussed in the context of privatization and commodification of shared wealth (e.g. feudalism enabled kings to privatize what ought to have been common resources, effectively stealing from peasants).
- Another insight we came to is that the government is the enabling force of the enclosure movement.
- Also important: a special interest group has arisen at the TEC: the Governance Engineering Guild will engage the topic of token engineering with a special focus on governance.
- We’ve reached 2,100+ members on Discord!
- A new sync call looms over the horizon: the Gardening sessions sync will start on Wednesday April 20th, and will afterwards take place evert Wednesday at 18:00 CEST (i.e. before our Soft Gov call), and will consist on deep-diving into the proposals that are live on our Gardens, explaining and analyzing them thoroughly.
- Also, we have an ongoing GitHub audit that Costa is performing.
- There’s a new diagram in our arsenal: the TEC Engagement Processes analyzes all the different workflows within our WG. Praise goes to Gideon for crafting this gem.
Forum Highlight: A weekly reminder that our WG has 3 different types of meetings:
- Our WG Weekly Sync is Mondays at 20:00 CEST / 14:00 EST.
- Our Orientation Call is Thursdays at 19:00 CEST / 10:00 PST.
- Our TEC Lounge is Fridays at 16:00 CEST / 7:00 PST.
- We’ve aggregated all our sensemaking efforts into a collection of diagrams into what we’re calling a Tour of the 0mega Archipelago.
- Moreover, we’ve been R&Ding a regenerative working style that uses creative, energy, and process flows to channel contributors into a task that’s the most appropriate to them based on their interests.
- We currently have a live Miro board as a working style discovery document: feel free to contribute!
Forum Highlight:
- Our Consilience Library page is online and we’re actively looking for contributors: if you’re a subject-matter expert on any of the 8 petals of our crypto-economic systems flower and you’d like to contribute, please message me on Discord (Mount Manu#3530).
- Special praise goes to Nicodemus for her contributions to our WG during these past few weeks.
- Summon Your Own Discord Bot Army event is still live and will be until May 6th.
- The Proposal Inverter DAO2DAO Models Workshop happen on Wednesdays 18:00 CEST.
- If you missed it, here’s a link to a presentation given in 0mega about the Proposal Inverter.
- Remember that the pre-registration for the TE Fundamentals course is open: get your spot before it closes!
- If you can’t get enough TE, below are our office Hours:
- From Longtail Financial: Tuesdays & Thursdays at 22:00 CEST / 12:00 PST on the LTF Discord server.
- From BlockScience: Thursdays at 9:00 PST via Zoom call (ask @Mount Manu on Discord for the link).
Forum Highlight:
- The Proposal Inverter’s proposal is live on Gardens! Please support it if you have some spare TEC.
- We’ve got a lot of events going on every week so we’ve compiled a calendar for you to join us on any of them.
We currently have one funding proposals live on Gardens:
Comms T.E.A.M. DAO - Marketing T.E.A.M.(24,820 WXDAI requested)
- Please support it if you have some spare TEC!
Comms T.E.A.M. DAO - Marketing T.E.A.M.(24,820 WXDAI requested)
Here are the updates from the 4 teams that comprise our T.E.A.M.:
TE Academy team (syncs on Mondays at 17:00 CEST / 10:00 CT); currently working on:
- Expanding presence to community spotlights.
Twitter team (syncs on Mondays at 18:00 CEST / 11:00 CT); currently working on:
- Planning this week’s tweets; coordination around this will happen during today’s (Monday) Twitter Planning sync.
Animation & Video Production team (syncs on Mondays at 19:00 CEST / 12:00 CT); currently working on:
- Progress will be unveiled today (Monday) during our weekly sync.
Translations team (syncs on Mondays at 21:00 CEST / 14:00 CT); currently working on:
- Progress delayed due to a conflict; a Gravity process is ongoing.
Marketing team (syncs on Mondays at 22:00 CEST / 15:00 CT ); currently working on:
- The first bi-weekly newsletter email is out.
TE Academy team (syncs on Mondays at 17:00 CEST / 10:00 CT); currently working on:
- During the last Stewards Council, we presented our financial audit of the TEC, where we did a detailed breakdown of the cash flow within our Commons.
- Enti wrote a forum post about presenting and preserving our Transparency audit reports.
- If you’d like a refresher about what our audit reports imply, here’s Ivy’s forum post about it.
- Last but not least, it’s relevant to bring about the guidelines that govern TEC’s Meeting Protocols, Terms, and Disclaimers.
- We welcome to the team 2 new contributors: Teresa:tada: and boonjue!
- We’re currently working on the following issues:
Forum Highlight:
- Open call for legal experts: we’re looking for contributors with legal expertise in the DAO space; tag @iviangita on a Discord comment if you’d like to be involved.
- If you haven’t yet activated your new Praise Bot, please enter the command /activate on Discord, in any chat, and sign into the message with your Ethereum address.
- When you do start praising people, please be specific about the action being praised, be descriptive about why you’re grateful, and elaborate on the implications of that particular good deed within our community.
- Quants #5 has finished and it is now closed.
- We are currently working on a Reward board proposal to share with the community (and it’ll be ready soon!).
Forum Highlight:
- Would you like to become a quantifier? Well then, become a quantifier!
- Our Rewards System sync calls are now on Wednesdays at 20:00 CEST in our Reward-System VC. Also, check out our Rewards System Task Force Google Doc.
Thank you for reading the WG Weekly update from Apr 4 - Apr 11
Check our calendar and join us on a call soon!