Monday, June 6th, 2022
Good day everyone! Here you have the Working Group Weekly Updates for the week of May 30 - June 5. You’ll find what’s been going on around our calendar calls. You may join us in real time during any of our many syncs or check out our YouTube channel archive for hundreds of recorded calls.
Stewards: Tamara, Nate
Weekly Sync: Tuesday, 1PM EST/7PM CET
- We are on srpint #36. Here is the sprint board for it so you can see what each working group is working on.
- We had our biweekly stewards council meeting, where we had a discussion around the action chosen in the sprint retrospective: “Boost token holder and contributor confidence with an outline of plans for what’s coming next”. You can see the ideas we came up with here
- The stewards funding proposal did not pass. We are rethinking how our WG can provide the most service to the community. We will evolve our manifesto and the corresponding funding request.
- Remember that you can easily help the TEC by retweeting. This was Tam’s favorite tweet this week
Steward: Juan
Weekly Sync: Wednesday, 11AM EST/5PM CET
- We really liked this tweet by Vitalik. We need to be prepared to facilitate cooperation and to manage conflict. For that, we are having:
The Third Graviton Training. You can check the study plan here
- Sessions are on Tuesdays at 8PM CET
- Next week we will have Morgan talking about Trauma Sensitive & Anti-Oppressive Culture
- Call to action! on Mondays. Join us for observational research on psychology and wellbeing.
- On Tuesdays we have the Umbrella coordination call in Aragon at 11 AM CET
- Last Friday we had website design call.
- If you’re in need of help managing a conflict, you can make a request through our typeform
Soft Gov
Steward: Livia
Weekly Sync: Wednesday, 1PM EST/7PM CET
- We had our first joined call with 0mega. It was a call to understand our place in the comunity and what are some proactive actions we can take to adjust energy giving/recieving imbalances within the community.
- This Week, Edu will be facilitating a session to have an in depth look on the TE flower. Everyone is invited to join.
- On the TE Governance Guild:
- We had a discussion on the next project we are going to work on. Things are pointing towards DAO metrics.
Stewards: Eduardo, Tamara
Weekly Sync: Monday, 2PM EST/8PM CET
Orientation: Thursday, 1PM EST/7PM CET
- Check our Communitas Funding Proposal.
- This week we will be doing a cross wg exercise with soft-gov: mapping the TE flower.
- Check our TEC Engagement Process workflow.
- And also our Orientation Deck presentation to showcase during our Orientation calls.
Steward: Gideon
Weekly Sync: Tuesday, 4PM EST/10PM CET
- We have posted our first Funding Proposal.
- We are working on communications to TEC token holders, as a reflection of all that has been happening and a look to where we’re going this year.
- We are defining an intial TEC service: token engineering consulting.
- We are also looking into a fundraising campaing: a “Token Engineering Hall of Fame” NFT campaing.
- You can see what we are trying to do achive over time in Sampo’s strategy post
Steward: Sebnem
Weekly sync: Wednesday, 3PM EST/8PM CET
- We started our collaboration with Soft-Gov, making visible the energy flows (incentives, contributions, motivations) within the TEC.
- Our main project is the TE Consilience Library. We have multiple explorations on its design, you can see them here and here. Any feedback you may have is welcome!
- Share your knowledge! Start curating resources and get feedback in our [discord channel](
Steward: Shawn YGG
Weekly Sync: Friday, 11AM EST/5PM CET
- We are on hiatus as we rethink how to have a more seasonal version of Labs.
Steward: Chuy
Weekly Sync: Tuesday, 12PM EST/6PM CET
- Our Animation proposal passed!.
- The TE Academy T.E.A.M. has a proposal coming soon.
- The Animation and video production team have been working on the character design for the reward system tutotrial
- Gene and Enti will cover for Manu in the marketing T.E.A.M. while he is away in June. If you’d like to help join our marketing call on Tuesday before our weekly sync call.
- The marketing T.E.A.M. has the Newsletter #3 coming up.
- The translations T.E.A.M. is moving forward with the first articles upload to Mirror
- On the twitter planning T.E.A.M. we are collectively creating a new bio so if you have some ideas to share with us clik here
Stewards: Ivy, Zeptimus
Weekly Sync: Monday 11AM EST/5PM CET
- In order to be able to scale up our work in Transparency, we are currently doing research into data standarization + template that we would like the WG to use.
- Rex is working on updating dune
- We are working on our ABC advance page. Here are the Wireframes and Specs.
- Check our forum post about Transparency around TEC Salaries.
- We are trying to get listed in Coingecko, we haven’t been successful, yet!
- Our proposal is live!
Forum Highlight:
- As a relevant reminder, here’s our forum post about the TEC’s Meeting Protocols, Terms, and Disclaimers.
Steward: Ivy
Weekly Sync: Every other Friday, 10AM EST/4PM CET
- Open call for legal expters If you have a legal background & strong interest in decentralized technologies, we’d love to have you in our Legal WG. Contact our steward @iviangita on discord.
- We continued our work on our Commons’ Content Ownership Agreement, as well as the updating of our covenant: here’s the working document for it (and here’s the ZenHub issue about it).
Steward: Mitch
Weekly Sync: Wednesday, 2PM EST/8PM CET
- Quantification #12 is open.
- Rewards for October 2021 are incoming. Check the forum post and the RAD analysis.
- Our FAQ is live!
- We will be starting an initiative to start activating people’s Sourcecred.
- We are also having a discussion on what should we name the Rewards System. If you have any ideas, drop them here
- We encourage you to become a quantifier: it is a civic duty within our Commons.
- Remember that anyone can become a praise-giver by typing the command /activate on any channel within our Discord server.
Thank you for reading the WG Weekly update from May 30 - June 07. Check our calendar and join us on a call soon!
Have a great week!