[TEST 2 - CONVICTION VOTING] Commons Proposal Guide & Example


Proposal Information

Proposal description:
The 2nd test Commons is here, and with it, we are opening the proposals activity :smiley:

Important! We are now on xDAI, if you don’t have the network setup on you Metamask, you will need to do it before playing with the Commons. 1hive has a simple tutorial for it! Ask us questions if you’re having trouble with it :slight_smile:

  • Every proposal submitted to the Commons should be posted in this forum, in the “Proposals category” as a " + New Topic".

  • Once this template is filled with your proposal info, copy and paste it’s link into the Commons

  • Let’s test submitting all our proposals from the working groups to the Conviction Voting instead of Discord emoji votes and see how it works :sunglasses:

  • In this test Commons we have two tokens: TESTTEC (test governance tokens), and xDAI (real money)

  • the funding pool will have 300 xDAI to distribute among proposals

  • You have received TESTTEC tokens based on your impact hours score.

For now, we are testing conviction voting only, soon other functionalities like the Bonding Curve will be introduced and more information about it will follow.

Proposal Rationale
Detailed rationale for why this proposal exists and should matter to TEC holders, the Token Engineering community, and/or DAO ecosystem

  • This proposal exists to help others making proposals.
  • It matters to the community for it’s informative purpose
  • We want to make the most out of our test runs!!

Expected duration or delivery date (if applicable):
How long do you think it will take to deliver on your proposal

  • This proposal has no deliveries and it’s not asking for any funds

Team Information (For Funding Proposals)

Names, usernames, and/or relevant social links for team members (Twitter, Github, TEC Forum, etc.):

  • If you have any questions, reach out to @liviade, @Griff, @sem, @JessicaZartler, @cranders1 or @santigs
    Skills and previous experience in related or similar work:
    What are some of your skills or related experience that might help inform TEC holders about your ability to execute on your proposal

  • We are skilled in answering questions or delegating to someone that knows the answer :slight_smile:

Funding Information (For Funding Proposals)

Amount of tokens requested:
Ethereum address where funds shall be transferred:

  • If you’re requesting tokens, don’t forget to put your address here!
    More detailed description of how funds will be handled and used:
  • no funds just fun

You can claim a small amount of xDai to be able to play using this faucet


This is exciting. Let’s gooooo!