What would help you make an informed decision about the Commons Upgrade runoff votes?
📢 Help us design the best voter pamphlets
These are some points shared in the last Soft Gov call:
How will this proposal affect the TEC in the future
Should subjective opinions from community members be shared in the pamphlets?
Have one pamphlet that is very objective and one that has opinions from the community
Pick top 5 key params to compare between proposals
Ask objective questions to the proponents and have a page with their answer.
Concise with pros and cons of each proposal
Separate params on different spectrums for example: Very inclusive to new members x hatchers can hold voting power for longer – and connect proposals to the respective one.
Consider each proposal on worst case scenarios.
The target audience might be outside of the people who voted now - how can we simplify a layer further?
Other points to consider
Token Freeze - Token Thaw and Total Vesting Period
- What is the ratio between the freeze and the thaw?
- Is this incentivizing long term sustainability?
Opening Price
- Should the psychological effect of the token affect the opening price? What are other important factors?
- How does the opening price affect hatchers considering the total vesting period?
- How does the opening price affect new token holders?
Common Pool fund
- How does this amount advance token engineering?
- Does it impact voter behavior?
Conviction Voting
- How many proposals will be completed before the total vesting period ends?
- How much subjective value do we need from proposals to secure the economy?
Freeze versus conviction growth
- Shorter curves have a higher minimum conviction
- Longer curves need a lower minimum conviction
- Will everyone in the community have a chance to participate in votes? What is a comfortable min time for proposals to pass?
- What is the largest proposal that could pass?
- If x% of voters are active, what can they pass?
Entry - Exit Tribute
- High entry tribute - low exit tribute implies active governance
- High exit tribute implies more money in the common pool but might not have active governance
- Entry tribute is a market regulator, how will entry, exit tributes likely change over time?
Reserve Ratio
- How gradually do we want the governance decentralization to happen?
- Volatility generates funds x higher reserve ratio is more fair for people coming in late.
- If there is a low reserve ratio, the quorum should be higher
- Consider our current token distribution - how many people can pass a proposal?
Delegated Voting
- The more serious we take the delegation, the higher the quorum can be