As of November 23, 2023, there are 735 addresses holding TEC tokens. Among these, only nine are contract addresses containing more than 0.15 TEC. Below is a detailed list as of the specified date, with an expectation of changes in the coming days due to individuals moving their TEC away from contracts.
Address | TEC amount | Type | Comments |
0xF41dEFf41016216346270e302DC0a5Dd4913DAdA | 57,797 | Safe Multisig | Lasertag. 4 of 7 multisig. |
0x71641d6656Ffb673F471EA292Ea09ac528CC4df2 | 43,579 | HoneySwap LP | TEC/WATER. 3 holders |
0x98F6A05F0cf0a07c9Cb988ee152F346b34D6B8dA | 30,506 | HoneySwap LP | TEC/GIV. 6 holders. |
0xfDA4271CdFe69f8f8DF7f39B2248E775166ff632 | 6,816 | Gardens Deposit Manager | TEC Deposit Manager |
0x5041A1C1DCC760337e99B03DB60FeAF5f6f6c802 | 5,196 | Safe Multisig | Blockscience. 2 of 4 multisig. |
0x29567BdBcC92aCF37AC6B56B69180857bB69f7D1 | 3,196 | Safe Multisig | BCRG. 2 of 6 multisig. |
0x4c8692CC08B14fA8B74B6f313394B8997aAd721d | 1,311 | HoneySwap LP | TEC/HNY. 5 holders |
0x596CE423627AeE56aa73DF29a8d86c2D65C8bf04 | 350 | Safe Multisig | TEC KYC. 1 of 1 multisig. |
0x2769E63Ebc6cF6E9803eD87aEA125eB596a38f95 | 176 | HoneySwap LP | TEC/WXDAI. 7 holders |
Analysis of this list reveals three distinct types of contracts:
- Safe Multisigs: The owners of these multisigs have been contacted to move their TEC or redeploy their safes on the Optimism network, ensuring they receive the migrated TEC there.
- HoneySwap LPs: The number of tokenholders for these LP tokens is limited, as indicated in the table. We plan to reach out to them individually.
- Garden Deposit Manager: The deposited amounts will be automatically returned to the respective owners; no further action is required on their part.
We will overlook 12 contracts that collectively hold less than $0.20 worth of TEC for simplicity’s sake. However, these negligible amounts will still be minted on Optimism to maintain the overall token supply consistency.
Current Deposit Manager holders
These addresses will receive their TEC back automatically.
Address | Amount |
0x2E96053C70a92D9771c076E11fe4dDa87A989fDD | 600 |
0xf632Ce27Ea72deA30d30C1A9700B6b3bCeAA05cF | 600 |
0x3b067Af83F540cB827825a6Ee5480441a4237E77 | 420 |
0xaa79B87DC8B046A5E4f7D03F1562D7fe5BF98737 | 200 |
0xdec0DED0606B7d0560ADEBD6C3a919a671dB4D66 | 5 |
0x99272DB5353e13c18b711D99d3a8F36ba459f747 | 500 |
0xcf79C7EaEC5BDC1A9e32D099C5D6BdF67E4cF6e8 | 1 |
0x91b7377A3Dd7931Ad4757B60d7E859954B939E85 | 100 |
0x7d547666209755FB833f9B37EebEa38eBF513Abb | 200 |
0x0a1f2e1a4585bbf5E54a894FffA74133654BfaDC | 0.01 |
0xb760FE1bbC4A2752aBCBb28291a57Cb0cA99fF44 | 200 |
0x839395e20bbB182fa440d08F850E6c7A8f6F0780 | 400 |
0x826976d7C600d45FB8287CA1d7c76FC8eb732030 | 200 |
0xE73a198e7C07c418D7dcFd42f5E953074aBbD125 | 200 |
0x9690a9E92edadd9a4ff64da25eb6AD60791C37ff | 240 |
0xDF290293C4A4d6eBe38Fd7085d7721041f927E0a | 200 |
0x2171F0655712Bf4B5B1BcB7Fcb46c1D3386683eA | 200 |
0x38f80f8f76B1C44B2beeFB63bb561F570fb6ddB6 | 400 |
0xB08F0ca73E8A59a1b7970e22B8ed2F9142c3fA53 | 300 |
0x6897aBe0fD62B589260784B21F4ca3F78A0D8017 | 600 |
0xA26d6AEB775a9528c012B748ACe66E3B0FD574cE | 200 |
0xF8D1d34956cEa24718cf8687588D6FeDbc6d9AA6 | 200 |
0x763d7D362B59aeA3858a92a302e18cd41b1252d4 | 450 |
0x47a5BA5BE900fC22AD31BEC4c1ff54Df8e67cd70 | 400 |
Total | 6816.01 |
This document constitutes the first deliverable of the technical migration to Optimism
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