TEC Discord Roles

The Discord Roles in the Token Engineering Commons

  • Admin

  • Gravitons

  • Stewards

  • Orientation Coordinators

  • Subject Matter Experts

  • Contributors

  • Praise Giver

  • Acknowledged CC

  • New Member


Every single day, more and more contributors join our Discord server, and we try to keep things organized by adding roles/labels to members’ accounts.

We prepared this document to provide transparency on the roles/labels that are assigned to people who join the TEC Discord. Different roles have different levels of permissions in the TEC Discord and they are described below starting from the Admin (which has all the Discord permissions) to the New Member (which has a very limited amount of permissions).

If you have further clarifications about these Discord roles/labels, you may reply to this post or send us a message in the Transparency Channel.


Admins are people who are entrusted to manage the server because of their reputation and reliability as trusted members of the community. This role has all Discord permissions.

To acquire this role, one must be able and asked to work on our Discord channel’s infrastructure.

General Permissions of Server

View channels

Manage channels

Manage roles

Manage emojis & stickers

View audit log

Manage server

Membership Permissions

Create invitation

Change nickname

Manage nickname

Kick members

Ban members

Text Channel Permissions

Send messages

Embed links

Attach files

Add reactions

Use external emoji

Mention @everyone, @here and all roles

Manage messages

Read message history

Send text-to-speech messages

Use Application Commands

Voice Channel Permissions




Use Voice Activity

Mute members

Deafen members

Move members

Scene Channel Permissions

Request to speak

Advanced Permissions


Members with this permission have all the permissions and can also ignore restrictions


Gravitons are onboarded during the Graviton Training. The last training had 8 sessions that introduced concepts like Non Violent Communication, Spiral Dynamics and Ostrom’s 8 principles for Governing the Commons. Every attendee received a POAP (NFT participation badges) at the end of each session and the ones who collected a minimum of 4 POAPs were invited to become a Graviton!

General Permissions of Server

View channels

Manage roles

Membership Permissions

Create invite

Change nicknames

Manage nicknames

Kick members

Ban members

Text Channel Permissions

Send messages

Embed links

Attach files

Add reactions

Use external emoji

Read message history

Use application commands

Voice Channel Permissions




Use voice activity

Mute members

Move members

Stage Channel Permissions

Request to speak


Community Stewards are the ones in the know of what is happening in the TEC. Onboarding happens when one steward nominates a community member to become a steward and has the approval of at least 2 other stewards and no blocks during a week. If a block happens, the nomination is suspended and Gravity will mediate a dialogue to solve the issue and either continue with the nomination or drop it.

General Permissions of Server

View channels

Manage roles

View audit log

View server insights

Membership Permissions

Create invite

Change nicknames

Manage nicknames

Text Channel Permissions

Send messages

Embed links

Attach files

Add reactions

Use external emojis

Mention @everyone, @here and all roles

Manage messages

Read message history

Use application commands

Voice Channel Permissions




Use voice activity

Mute members

Move members

Stage Channel Permissions

Request to speak

Orientation Coordinators

Onboarding Coordinators are people who introduce new members into the community. To acquire this role, an Onboarding Coordinator must nominate you and the majority of the other Coordinators must support the nomination.

General Permissions of Server

View channels

Membership Permissions

Change nicknames

Manage nicknames

Text Channel Permissions

Send messages

Use public threads

Use private threads

Embed links

Attach files

Add reactions

Use external emojis

Use external stickers

Read message history

Use application commands

Voice Channel Permissions




Use Voice Activity

Stage Channel Permissions

Request to speak

Subject Matter Experts

Subject Matter Experts can be onboarded directly to the area they wish to contribute with. E.g. lawyers might go straight to the Legal WG and cadCAD researchers to the TEC Lab. Without a general involvement but still providing impactful contributions. SME should be in our Discord server and have access to the forum and TE calendar.

General Permissions of Server

View channels

Manage emojis & stickers

Membership Permissions

Create invite

Change nickname

Text Channel Permissions

Send messages

Embed links

Attach files

Add reactions

Use external emojis

Mention @everyone, @here and all roles

Manage messages

Read message history

Use application commands

Voice Channel Permissions




Use voice activity

Stage Channel Permissions

Request to speak


A contributor is active once they join the TEC Discord Server, and are aware of the Forum and TE calendar of events. The AMA weekly call is the best place to ask questions and enjoy the focused attention of long time contributors. The incubator chat is made for new members to share and ask anything related to their engagement in the TEC :slight_smile:

To get this role, the member can request it from any Steward.

General Permissions of Server

View channels

Membership Permissions

Create invite

Change nicknames

Text Channel Permissions

Send messages

Embed links

Attach files

Add reactions

Use external emoji

Read message history

Use application commands

Voice Channel Permissions




Use voice activity

Stage Channel Permissions

Request to speak

Praise Giver

This role is given to any community member who would like to praise other members for their contributions to the community. Without this role/tag in one’s Discord profile, the praise (using !praise command) will not be recognized by the bot and will not be recorded and quantified.

To get this role, the member can request it from any Steward or Admin.

General Permissions of Server

View channels

Membership Permissions

Create invite

Change nickname

Text Channel Permissions

Send messages

Attach files

Add reactions

Use external emoji

Mention @everyone, @here and all roles

Read message history

Use application commands

Voice Channel Permissions




Use voice activity

Stage Channel Permissions

Request to speak

Acknowledged CC

This role is given to any community member who agreed with the TEC’s Terms and conditions on the #join-here section

To get this role you need to react to the message on the #join-here section:

  • You must :white_check_mark: this message in order to see and join any TEC channels!

General Permissions of Server

View channels

Membership Permissions

Create invite

Change nickname

Text Channel Permissions

Send messages

Embed links

Attach files

Add reactions

Use external emoji

Read message history

Use application commands

Voice Channel Permissions




Use voice activity

Stage Channel Permissions

Request to speak

New Member

This role is assigned to everyone who joins the TEC discord channel without agreeing to the TEC’s Terms and conditions

No permissions