Results of TE Grants Round 4

About the Round

During the past Gitcoin Grants Round 20 (Apri 23 to May 7), we had the fourth QF round of our TE Grants Program as a Gitcoin Community Round, funding came from TEC’s Common Pool and Gitcoin.

Round Configuration

  • $50k matching pool
  • 15% matching cap
  • 2x coefficient multiplier for the TE Matching Boost, more details below

Round Stats

  • 32 projects
  • 554 unique donors
  • 1,619 contributions in total
  • $9,365 raised from donors
  • $16.90 average contribution

Results of the Round

Here are the results of the round for the projects:

Project Name Payout in $TEC
Commons Stack 10,229.50
The cadCAD Foundation 7,634.60
Trusted Seed: A value-driven community advancing Regen Economies 7,391.80
Bonding Curve Research Group (BCRG) 7,201.90
Super DCA: Innovating Decentralized Finance with Time-Weighted Average Market Making 6,697.20
Crypto Commons Association 5,951.50
Kairos Research 5,085.50
Streaming Quadratic Funding 4,319.60
Network of Trust 3,120.80
Gobying 3,069.20
DeFinomics Labs 3,006.20
Lived experience-based Weighted Voting Mechanism Design 3,003.00
Token Engineering Dialogues 2,787.50
Metrics Garden Labs 2,744.10
Change Code 2,575.80
$REGEN Tokenomics DAO 2,550.10
Breadchain Cooperative 2,237.40
Pairwise: Simplifying Choices, Amplifying Voices 2,070.50
CATTS, Composite Attestations 1,846.50
1Hive Gardens 1,839.20
EVMcrispr 1,647.50
Moos Modular Money Framework 1,353.60
Armitage 1,133.30
Turtleshell 984.1
Casually Looped 892.5
ProtocolGuard:AI-Driven Exploring Potential Malicious Strategies in PAMMs & SAMMs 889.8
Index Wallets 804.9
$EARTH - OSS 598.6
Tokenization for Inflation-Alleviation 560
SymVal 440.8
NERD DAO: Decentralized Science and Web3 Innovation 348.2
HonorCode 212.9

:point_right: Read our full round retro report in the Gitcoin forum.

Next Round

Dates for the next round are still TBD, we’ll communicate them as soon as we finalise some details :robot:.

In the meantime, if you are a grantee interested in participating, or a project interested in sponsoring this or following rounds, please reach out to us via Discord or

Any feedback on how can we improve is very much appreciated!


A H-U-G-E thank you to @iviangita for the excellent work she did as the Round Manager for this past TEC Gitcoin Round. (And a thanks to @Tamara for making space in the busy Commons Stack scheule so that Ivy could take this work on.) The TEC was in a crunch with Enti moving on and us really wanting to do this round. I just don’t think we could have done it without Ivy stepping in.

Ivy not only did an excellent job in running the round itself (just look at the above stats - and check out that deeper report on the Gitcoin forum in the link above!), but she overhauled many of our processes to streamline them and set us up for smoother operations in all future rounds.

Here’s to Ivy and this big contribution to the TEC! :pray: :fire: :pray: :fire: :pray:


I’d also like to publicly thank @iviangita for the incredible work she did managing this round! Your dedication, care, initiative, and attention to detail have truly elevated the entire program and the TEC. As Gideon mentioned, this round wouldn’t have happened without you. These contributions have a lasting impact and will be felt for a long time.

It has been such a joy collaborating with you, Ivy. Thank you for everything! :pray: :raised_hands: :orange_heart:


Thank you, Team, for making this happen last quarter!