Results of TE Grants Round 3

About the Round

During the past Gitcoin Round (Nov 15 - 29) we had the third QF round of our TE Grants Program as a Gitcoin Featured Round. For the first time, all funding was provided by sponsors with Ocean and Arbitrum supporting this round!

Round Configuration:

  • $50k matching pool
  • 15% matching cap
  • 2x coefficient multiplier for the TE Matching Boost, more details below

Round Stats:

  • 20 projects
  • 530 unique donors
  • 1,720 contributions in total
  • $5,108.13 raised from donors
  • $9.64 average contribution

Results of the round

Here are the results of the round for the projects:

Project Name Payout in $TEC
Commons Stack 15032.5993
Bonding Curve Research Group (BCRG) 14364.4000
cadCAD: Computer Aided Design for Complex Systems 9755.8170
Metagov 8378.0571
PlaceCred: Exploring SourceCred for Place-based Reputation 7410.1051
Mechanism Institute 7163.3384
EVMcrispr 6318.8977
Breadchain Cooperative 5397.5672
Index Wallets 4275.5343
cadEVM 3978.2708
EIP-7265 Alliance - securing the future of ethereum 2756.8830
SymVal 2748.2642
LunCo - collaborative systems engineering 2718.9188
TurtleShell 2377.9839
Public Nouns Operations 2252.5196
KaliBerger 1743.5197
Token Engineering Governance Education 1307.1124
TE Career Builder for Womxn in Web 3 980.0674
Ecofrontiers: Crypto Natural Capital Aggregator 659.2630
tokensight 598.2099
Total 100217.3289

Next Round

Dates for the next round are still TBD, we’ll communicate them as soon as we finalise some details :robot:.

In the meantime, if you are a grantee interested in participating, or a project interested in sponsoring this or following rounds. Please reach out to us via discord or

Apologies on the delays, we learnt a lot on this new round with sponsors. Any feedback on how can we improve is very much appreciated!