Livia and Griff have been quantifying praise for the first 5 rounds, in round 6 Santi and Zep stepped in to replace Livia. We want to make this a standard practice so we have a team of rotating praisers. BUT THERE IS A BLOCKER! The Reward for Praise Quantifiers must be adjusted to enable a fair rotation of power.
Original Praise Proposal:
The Process Evolved
- SO MUCH MORE PRAISE process takes 2+ hours
- Tiers went away to save time, and they werent found to be very useful
- Some people get paid some people don’t before this was accounted for by tiers
- We now take that into account at the end
- It speeds up the quantifying
- Gardens Swarm and Commons Stack teams are paid for their work so they only get 15% of their IH
- That said, Everyone is encouraged to choose their own best deal.
- Some people have deals where they get paid for 1 issue they are working on or a small amount and the get 50% of their IH
- In round #6 Sem only paid himself for 3.5 hours to save money for the Gardens Swarm, and so he is getting 75% of IH
- Griff organizes the budget for the Commons Stack and supports the Gardens Swarm and manages the 1 on 1 negotiation for IH deals
- That said, Everyone is encouraged to choose their own best deal.
- We now take that into account at the end
PROPOSAL: More Praise Quantifiers!
Griff and Livia feel good with the current evolution of the Praise system and would like to see if we can share the power of quantification.
This round we experimented with Zep and Santi, and it was very successful. Griff built the spreadsheet so he will help admin it every time still… the sheet is a beast… but he doenst have to quantify praise.
We will first open it up to the Community Stewards, then hopefully even more widely.
Rewarding Praise Quantifiers
Previous Approach for Rewarding Praise Quantifiers
- Assumption: Quantifiers are too bias to quantify their own praise.
- Griff and Livia got the MEDIAN IH hours for each round
- There has been a consistent feeling that the praise quantifiers are being rewarded too little.
- Griff’s thoughts: since we should only get 15% of our IH this is ok, personally, I think the power to quantify praise also has value, so it’s important that the people who wield that power are under rewarded… at least a little bit
It makes no sense for Praise Quantifiers that do not get paid at all to get the median amount. That is too much negative incentive.
PROPOSAL: Average Praise rewarded to Praise Quantifiers
Every praise dished to a Praise Quantifier is worth the average IH/praise given during that period. EXCEPT Praises that they dish to themselves don’t count
Adjustments happen to them just like we do everyone else based on their pay
- There are 500 total praises that got scored, and 600 total impact hours after the people who get paid have their hours adjusted.
- Griff, Juan and Zep quantify praise.
- Griff got 25 praises Zep got 20 praises and Juan got 15 praises.
- Each praise is worth 1.2 impact hours on average
- Griff got 25 x 1.2 = 30 IH but then he is paid for full time by CS so he gets 30 x 0.15 = 4.5 IH
- Zep got 20 x 1.2 = 24 IH and is not paid at all so he gets 24 IH
- Juan got 15 x 1.2 = 18 IH but then he is paid just a little bit by CS so he gets 18 x 0.5 = 9 IH
- Each praise is worth 1.2 impact hours on average
I would love some feed back on this proposal before initializing the vote.