(proposal with edits integrating feedback)
We are submitting this proposal on Snapshot for signaling. This way we can capture the signalling from the Community without paying the 1000wxDAI tollgate fee. Please feel free to leave feedback on the Forum thread.
If the vote passes on Snapshot, we will make this proposal on the Hatch DAO.
Proposal Title:
One time change of TECH addresses (as requested by owner because access was lost or another reason)
Proposal Information:
Several people have lost their keys or asked to switch their TECH address. As a human centered community we have a vested interest to ensure that our community members retain their voting rights by control of their wallets. We are a value aligned community, committed to nurture the TEC economy in its early stage, while focused on long term success. It is important that everyone in this group has a holding of their tokens and feels comfortable with their address to engage in upcoming decisions.
Note: We recognize that there may be future requests for address changes. Future requests are not covered within the scope of this proposal.
Proposal Details:
Allow a period of time for requests for address changes
Burn TECH in those addresses and remint to specified new addresses
Make request to Commons Stack to burn CSTK in those addresses and remint to specified new addresses
Expected duration or delivery date (if applicable):
Proposed timeline:
Snapshot vote: Sept 2 (for 4 days)
Accepting requests for address changes: now until Sept 15 12pm CET
HatchDAO vote: Sept 16
Burn and minting TECH (Commons Stack will determine timeline for CSTK): Sept 21
To make this request, our community members should contact griff#3281, Dan Knobelsdorf.eth#0326 and Tam2140#9361 for security reasons and (1) share the reason for the change, (2) the old address, and (3) the new address.
Sep 15 griff#3281 will post on the forum thread all the addresses that are going to be burned and the addresses where all those tokens are going to be minted for transparency, if no one opposes the decision itās going live as stated before on sep 16.
If the community supports this initiative on the snapshot vote we will propose to the Hatch DAO to burn and mint the TECH, and request that Commons Stack does the same for CSTK.
How does this help Token Engineers and benefit the Token Engineering community?
It reinforce our cultural build as a human center DAO
Team Information (For Funding Proposals)
These are the community members that will support and provide the initial funding for the tollgate fee for the Hatch DAO proposal.
Funding Information (For Funding Proposals)
1000 wxDAI from the non-redeemable pool in order to cover the tollgate fee