Impact Hour Rate - Deep Dive

What is the Impact Hour Rate at Infinity (wxDai/IH)
The Impact Hour Rate at Infinity (wxDai/IH) determines the theoretical maximum for the Impact Hour Rate. The rate serves as an asymptote for the curve according to the amount of funds raised during the Hatch Period.

Implications & Parameter Options
The Impact Hour Rate (wxDai/IH) at Infinity is measured as a ratio, and you will have the option to set this parameter between 0 and 1000.

Since the Impact Hour Rate is dynamic based on the amount of funds raised during the Hatch Period, the Impact Hour Rate at Infinity(wxDai/IH) parameter defines the curve for this rate. The higher you set your ratio, the amount of wxDai per single Impact Hour increases as it moves beyond your Target Goal (wxDai) parameter. This parameter is at the foundation for your Hatch Strategy because it serves as a method for defining your hatch-raise incentives. The Impact Hour rate rewards our Community Builders, and this parameter establishes the magnitude of that reward. Inversely, this also impacts the amount of voting power held by Backers within the HatchDAO.(?)

Suggested Range
The Impact Hour Rate at Infinity should be carefully considered, but we suggest a range of 80-1000 wxDai.

Related Parameters to consider when defining the Impact Hour Rate (wxDai/IH) at Infinity:
Target Goal (wxDai)
Minimum Goal (wxDai)
Maximum Goal (wxDai)
Impact Hour Rate at Target Goal (wxDai/IH)

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