The vote to migrate TEC to Optimism is now live!

The vote will run through Friday.


This is a vote to approve the TEC migration plan from Gnosis to Op Mainnet based on the following technical specification. This vote will also approve the transfer of 9,000 wxDAI to the technical team in order test and the perform actual migration to Optimism.

When the team is ready, another Tao vote will take place in order to execute the migration.

The migration planning takes into account a handful of related proposals that have already been posted here in the forum. These include: the community advice process about the migration, the original technical feasibility study, as well as the community advice process for handling the WATER partnership and subsequent WATER vote, the new role of TEC Guardians and the Guardian self-nominations, and the updated community covenant.


The vote passed and was enacted.

There will be a dress rehearsal conducted this week. Depending on the results a migration target date will be set for either December or January.

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