Results of TE Grants Round 1

TLDR; The first round was a success, and here are the results.

About the Round

During the past Gitcoin Beta Round (Apr 25 - May 9) we had the first QF round of our new TE Grants Program as a Featured Round, funding came primarily from TEC’s Common Pool, but we were also awarded 1 ETH from one ENS small grant, which had a price of $1,580.00 at the moment.

Round Configuration:

  • $25k matching pool
  • 30% matching cap
  • 2x coefficient multiplier for the TE Matching Boost, more details below

Round Stats:

  • 16 projects
  • 86 unique donors
  • 257 contributions in total
  • $6,161.85 raised from donors
  • $71.65 average contribution

Introducing the TE Matching Boost

We were, to our knowledge, the first and only round to experiment with benefits for donors that qualify based on certain criteria.

For us it was important to recognize those who are betting in the field to help us allocate resources better; and that’s why donors holding at >= 10 $TEC and/or a TE Academy Certificate were elegible for additional matching on their contributions.

From the 86 unique donors, 19 were holding $TEC and 8 a TE Academy Certificatte.

If you’re interested in the matching boost, @gideonro put together a really neat article on the effects of injecting subject matter expertise into QF.

Results of the round

Here are the results of the round for the projects:

Project Name No. of Contributions Payout in $TEC
Oxcart Applied Research 15 7,978.8851606824200
Commons Stack 29 8,761.3577879645700
ITU Blockchain 26 4,530.2691869618400
Towards an Industry Standard Python Library for Token Engineering 24 4,013.0864717427100
Bonding Curves Research Group 20 3,624.8439865323300
cadCAD: Computer Aided Design for Complex Systems 24 3,090.9696815151000
TE Barcamp as a Side-Event of EthCC Paris 2023 18 3,749.7999101804000
EVMcrispr 19 2,679.7532926003800
Token Launch Simulator 17 1,755.8675020890700
Token Engineering Knowledge Commons 10 1,789.9533796647900
Index Wallets 13 935.4065106603660
Research on a Utility Token for TE Ecosystem 10 544.1659649611980
Tokenomics Design Space 8 284.5061008505300
Token Research Collaborative 7 203.0902962266050
DeFinomics Labs 7 113.6041331513110
Burn-and-mint tokenomics 5 28.3796525776605
Total 44,083.9390183613

Next Round

We have already announced the following round of grants, with a similar configuration and matching size.

If you are a grantee interested in participating, or a project interested in sponsoring this or following rounds. Please reach out to us via discord or

Any feedback on how can we improve is very much appreciated!


Just shorted the Medium write-up about this round and am pointing readers here for the analysis.

One of the things that was in the article is this pie chart of total funding distribution, so I’m including it here: